
Showing posts from February, 2024

IOT Functional Blocks / IOT ecosystem

  HOME            UNIT 1            UNIT 2 IOT Functional Blocks / IOT ecosystem The Internet of Things Functional Blocks is the foundation of the IoT ecosystem. Companies are fast discovering ways to leverage the Internet of Things (IoT) to improve their efficiency as it grows in popularity. While the Internet of Things has numerous advantages, businesses are trying to comprehend how to incorporate technology into their work and daily lives. This article will look at that the IoT functional blocks and how they interact to produce a functional IoT system. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a rapidly growing industry, with more and more devices becoming connected on a regular basis. The Internet of Things devices range from small sensors to huge machines and systems, but they all have one thing in common: they generate data. IoT systems use functional blocks to make sense of this data and extract value from it. These blocks are distinct components of the IoT system that carry out specializ

Web 3.0

HOME            UNIT 1               UNIT 2 IoT: A Web 3.0 View EVOLUTION OF THE WEB If it comes to pass, Web 3.0 will be the successor to two previous generations of the web. The first generation, referred to as Web 1.0, was invented in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee, a British computer scientist who applied the hypertext concepts for linking digital text proposed in 1963 by Ted Nelson , an American information technology pioneer. Besides programming the first browser, Berners-Lee wrote the Hypertext Markup Language ( HTML ), which tells browsers how to display content, as well as the Hypertext Transfer Protocol ( HTTP ) specifying how web servers transfer files to browsers. He also started designing software for a "Semantic Web" that would link data across web pages, but hardware constraints prevented its implementation. The public was not much aware of the web until 1993 with the release of Mosaic, the first popular browser, later renamed Netscape Navigator. According to Harbo